Idaho & Utah 23cm/33cm EME Trip

Call: KB7Q always 1st sequence
Mode: Q65-60C
Frequency: 1296.095 MHz CFOM, 902.105 MHz CFOM
Gear: IC-9700, AGO Preamp, 500 watt SSPA, 2.4M folding dish w/ patch feed
SL-1 Tracker, Honda 2.2KW generator.
Internet: Will come up on HB9Q Logger if possible

Thank you donors: PA3FXB, W7JW, DL1AT

Logs have been loaded to LoTW

July 7, 2024 Idaho DN44gh 23cm Band
Set up went well, and I was ready to rumble on 23cm by 1500z. I had very gusty winds which messed with my tracking the whole session, but I still worked 20 folks. Interest in Idaho tapered off quite sharply so I went QRT, and packed it up. Joyce and I took the Mesa Falls Scenic Loop road heading south to Utah and the next operating site.
Logged: DL4DTU (-14), DF3RU (-17), OK1UGA (-14), PA0TBR (-22), PA3FXB (-22), OK1KIR (-10), DL1AT (-21), OK1VUM (-19), UA3PTW (-10), UA9FAD (-22), IK7EZN (-20), K5DN (-18), DK5AI (-23), N6RZJ (-17), N1AV (-24), OK1IL (-20), ES3RF (-24), PA3HDG (-22), PA0BAT (-19), KB2SA (-22).

The night before we camped on the banks of the Snake River.

July 8, 2024 Utah DN41ai, 23cm Band
No wind today, and the morning was blissfully cool for setup. Newton Reservoir wasn't the very best location as I discovered - it was in a bit of  hole. However, the north end had enough open skies to the east to work. A grove of cottonwood trees provided welcome shade.The road around to the north end called for patience, a 1 mph pace, and four wheel drive low range - but we made it. 

The goal was to work Dave, G4YTL for his State #49 on 23cm. It took a while, but he was finally decoded and it was a snap after that. I also worked K7ULS via scatter. Mike was 42 miles south of me so I just bounced off the mountains to work him. There were some very strange conditions at times, I tripled checked my aiming and it wasn't me, but all signals pretty much disappeared for 30 minutes.
Into today's log went : K7ULS (terrestrial -7), OK1KIR (-14), SM6CKU (-20), SP5GDM (-23), OK1IL (-22), PA3DZL (-21), F4KLO (-23), UA3PTW (-15), RW6HM (-22), G4YTL (-27), G0LBK (-20), DL1AT (-20), PA0BAT (-21), PA3FXB (-24), EA8DBM (-22), ES3RF (-25), IK7EZN (-20), W2ZQ (-20), OH3LWP (-22), GM0PJD (-24), OK1VUM (-21), K5DOG (-21), KB2SA (-20).

Glorious shade, a real bonus this time of the year!  DN41ai, Newton Reservoir, UT

July 9, 2024 Utah, DN41ai 33cm Band
Joyce and I checked out of the hotel early while it was still cool, and headed back to Newton Reservoir to put a fourth State on 33cm. We found a lovely shady patch of cottonwood trees with wide open skies to the east. I went six for seven today, I even worked K0DSP, another 2.4M dish station. We packed up pretty efficiently and were rolling north by 2 PM local time. It was worth the effort to give folks a new State on a challenging EME band. Logged: W7JW (-25), K0DSP (-29), VE4MA (-27), W5AFY (-23), W2HRO (-22), VE6TA (-26).

Adding the 33cm transverter reaches wiring critical mass!