Dates: February 8 - 13, 2023
Call: PJ2T - always 1st sequence
Location: Curacao (FK52)
Frequency: 1296.090 Mhz
Modes: Q65-60C CFOM preferred, can do CW after I work digital stations
Gear: W2HRO folding 1.8M dish, WD5AGO pre-amp, 350 watts @ feed
Internet: Yes, will be on HB9Q Logger.
QSL Info: LoTW update after each session. W3HNK is the paper QSL manager for PJ2T
Donors that helped with luggage costs: JA6AHB, PA3FXB
A custom photo QSL card was sent to each station worked to commemorate the first 23cm EME ops from Curacao.
February 8, 2023 - Even with tight flight connections along the way we arrived in Curacao and the checked luggage with the amp was there waiting for us. It took awhile to cobble together a tripod and mount that would be up to the wind. It was clear at first RF that the station was not right. I thought the high wind was deflecting the dish enough to drop the gain - but my TX was down at least 10 db, so that was a clue to look elsewhere.
Never-the-less we pressed on. It was the middle of a week night in Europe so activity was down some. Fourteen stations were logged over four hours, most for a new DXCC. Logged: OK1KIR (-15), UA3PTW (-20), OK1DFC (-18), G4CCH (-20), ON4AOI (-24), RA4HL (-19), PA9RX (-22), RD4D (-19), W2HRO (-28), PA3FXB (-25), KD5FZX (-14), OH2DG (-15), PA3DZL (-20), YO2LAM (-22). Heard quite well - IQ2DB, K2UYH, W5AFY, W7JW.
Brett, PJ2BR was my co-pilot this first evening, he picked up several operating tips. His home 23cm station is about 80% complete.
February 9, 2023 Clearly things here are still not right, but I now have 21 stations logged. Tonight's catch SM6CKU (-19), ES3RF (-21), SM5DGX (-15), OK2DL (-18), HB9Q (-12), DF3RU (-20), K2UYH (-19).
Great News! Your knuckle-headed dxpeditioner assembled the hybrid to the patch feed upside down and reversed the circularity. Kudos to Paul, W2HRO for looking at the picture I send and seeing the issue in 15 seconds. I had disassembled the feed for transport to Curacao and I did not realize how it needs to all go back together on re-assembly. The plastic mount for the hybrid is on the lower half of the patch feed if the patch feed shell is orientated correctly- it matters. We party at my moon rise tonight!
February 10, 2023 It was a great moon pass with a fully functioning station. I worked every station that I saw with a two hour nap in the middle when the moon went above my ability to elevate. A quick tropical rain shower found me working stations while tucked under a tarp trying to keep the gear dry. After a sleep period I got back on for the setting moon and added three folks - VK2JDS went into the log at 0.5 degrees elevation.
Twenty-two folks worked in this session for a total of 43 stations. High winds are forecast for the next few days with rain showers so it might be a while before I can try more EME. I've disassembled the station for now to protect the gear.
Worked were: OK1IL (-23), SP5GDM (-25), DG5CST (-16), IK3COJ (-23), PA0BAT (-21), IQ2DB (-22), YO2LAM (-23), ZS6JON (-25), SP7EXY (-26), DK3WG (-25), W5AFY (-24), DL8FBD (-26), PA0PLY (-28), ZS4TX (-23), N1AV (-23), KB2SA (-24), VE6TA (-23), W7JW (-24), N5BF (-25), JA6AHB (-25), K5DOG (-23), VK2JDS (-25).
February 13, 2023 - It was well worth it to set up for one last session. Between rain showers I worked G4CCH (-23) and stronger later on CW (419), DL7UDA (-26), YO2LAM (-24), DG0FE (-23), NC1I (-16), IK2DDR (-22), W5GLD (-26), and K7EME (-27). That brought the total of stations worked to 51. I'm well pleased with the result.
Kudos to W2HRO - not only have I used three versions of his folding dishes (1.6M, 1.8M, 2.4M) now, but his product support has been first class the whole way. His dishes make these portable forays a treat!
Also a big thank you to Brett, PJ2BR for letting me commandeer his 1.8m dish for this operation. Also a tip of the cap to K8ND for keeping my log updated to LoTW. W3HNK will handle paper QSL card requests.
Behold the correct orientation of the hybrid device. | |
Waiting for the moon to clear the ridge on the ?sun? deck.
PJ2T HF contest station - I'm also here as part of the ARRL DX CW team.