Hawaii 70CM EME

Date/Time: September 25 to October 3, 2024
Call: KB7Q always 1st sequence
QTH: BK29mn, Keaau, Big Island, Hawaii
Mode: Q65-60B CFOM 1500Hz DF
Frequency: 432.095 MHz
Gear: IC-9700, AGO Preamp, 500 watt SSPA, 1x 9wl Yagi
Internet: Will come up on the HB9Q Logger

Donors: KH6LC, PA3DZL, NC1I, N4DXN

It has been almost 8 years since I last activated Hawaii on 70cm. Time for another go during some pretty decent mutual moon windows to Europe. Shipping the gear over/back is spendy these days so any help is appreciated. 

From the archive - 2016 70CM ops in BK29.This house was destroyed by the 2018 lava flow.