Date/Time: August 22, 2020 Moonrise over ridge @ 1730z
Call: KB7Q
QTH: DN44lw, Yellowstone Park, Wyoming
Frequency: 222.080 MHz MHz KB7Q always first, JT65b
Gear: IC-7300->xverter->800 watt SSPA. Long Yagi
Note: No Internet, but will indicate I'm headed out on the HB9Q Logger.
Another attempt to help guys knock off Wyoming.
I worked all I heard, but I need to hear more! The ride down to Yellowstone and the set up went smoothly. It was very, very smokey from the various fires around the west. For the first 1.5 hours I called CQ and watched a blank screen - finally Faraday moved off vertical polarity, and I started seeing and working folks. John, K1OR went into the log for his State #43. K5QE was the champ of the day with a -13 signal. Of course being near new moon and with the smoke I never actually saw the moon.
The new generator, #10 power cable, and being 2,500 feet lower in altitude this time meant I could see just under 300 watts more out of the amp. It was fun shoe-horning the gear into the car and being able to assemble and erect the antenna in under 45 minutes thanks to my new, ladder-less system. LoTW fed.
Worked: K1OR (-24), W4ZST (-22), K7ULS (-15 tropo), K5QE (-13), and VE6TA (-19).
Bighorn Pass Trailhead - There are actually mountains out there in the smoke. |
Backseat station: IC7300->Q5 transverter->LDMOS amp. Power supplies on the floor. |
Marshall is simply LOUD! Four minutes and done. |