Idaho 902 MHz EME

Date/Time: May 11, 2024 @ 1800z
QTH: DN44GQ, just south of Raynolds Pass
KB7Q always 1st sequence
Mode: Q65-60C
Frequency: 902.107 MHz CFOM

Drone shot - DN44gq, a mile south of Raynolds Pass in Idaho.

 It was a lovely spring day for a ham radio outing. I even allowed time to stop in Ennis for a sit down breakfast at the local cafe. Light winds, 70 degrees, and no ticks made for perfect conditions setting up. I worked 12 stations and gave several folks a new State. I never saw the moon, but the SL-1 tracker did its job well.

Logged: W2HRO (-22), VE4MA (-24), VE6TA (-17), N0LNO (-22), KC0SKM (-22), W5AFY (-20), W7JW (-25), K0DAS (-22), W6TCP (-23), AC0RA (-24), K0DSP (-23), W6LUA (-22). LoTW upload done.

6,834 feet, the waters divide here.

Just too nice a day to not share the view. The road home south of Ennis, Montana.