K7IP and K7EK served as my guinea pigs while I floundered thru a couple of contacts with them. My first impressions are a) my HP 1.6 GHz 3 GB RAM laptop computer is barely adequate to keep up with the hefty processing that happens on a meteor burst b) it really does work well and is worth the time spent exploring, especially if it delivers -8 SNR decoding ability. c) Just like WSJT re-reading the users guide really helps after you have used the program a bit. The buttons and program flow start to make sense d) things are much more automated then FSK441 and you don't get to see much of "what is behind the curtain".
The installation of the program is clearly the hardest part, but if you know WSJT-FSK441 you'll get the idea of how the program functions after a few contacts.
My second contact using PSK2K. |
Some PSK2K links:
An Overview
N5TM's PSK2K Excellent Site & Source of Helping Hands
PSK2K Users Guide